In Cape Cod in October...
While in the house I looked up to see clouds that looked to be shaping up for a great sunset.
"I'm going to the beach to see the sunset and take photos", I said to my husband.
"I'm making dinner and it will be ready in five minutes", he said.
When your husband makes dinner (from scratch) on a regular basis one should not complain when eating said dinner conflicts with a spur-of-the-moment idea.
So I ate my dinner quickly, with frequent glances out the window and noted that the clouds looked colorful.
As soon as I was done I proclaimed, "I'm leaving! Who wants to come?" I threw my dishes to the side of the sink. (Yes, my husband cleans up the dishes as well.)
My younger son jumped at the chance.
So we rushed to the beach. Driving down this road a wee bit above the speed limit and hoping to not hit a dog walker or child, I saw this sight before me.

I wondered a bit if this was a bit like after dying, seeing a light at the end of the tunnel?
I parked the car and we ran out and saw this:

We had just missed it, another sunset-watcher said, the sun had been a big red ball descending down to the horizon.
Well, it was still a sight to behold, it was still lovely and I'm glad I saw this.
I can only imagine that if a person could actually live in a home overlooking the ocean and could have a chance to see views like this daily as well as having the fresh salt air breeze so often, that life would be very good indeed. Even if one's home was bordered by a public beach where sunset watchers came each evening to catch the view.
That is, life would be good only if a person took the time to actually notice such 'simple pleasures'.
While in Barbados we had a friendly cab driver, taking us to the beach. I commented on the lovliness of the beaches and asked if he went to the beach often, proclaiming his luck at living in such a paradise. He said he was so busy working that he only got to the beach two or maybe three times a YEAR with his family. How sad is that?
Photos taken by ChristineMM at Thumpertown Beach, Eastham, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, mid-October 2007.