Thursday, June 19, 2008

Inspired, Ideas & Limited by Time

I feel so inspired to do many different projects.

I have lots of ideas.

I have limited time. I know this is true for everyone.

Lately I feel so busy with appointments, prepping for them then unpacking and winding down from them. I feel like I have no spare time for just relaxing and doing crafty things.

I have managed to knit each evening after being very busy all day long. I get into bed in my PJs, put the TV on, "watch" a show while I knit. The kids are with me for one show then off to bed they go. Then I usually watch another show and knit a bit more.

I then read a little while before shutting off the light and going to sleep.

It is kind of frustrating to have tons of ideas and feel like I have no time to do these in.

I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself to keep up with the laundry and keep the house looking decent. The recent weeding, about six hours worth last week, also took up some of my time. We have also planted our container garden on the deck. I am planting seeds and have planted tomatoes in the raised bed in the yard. I am sure the deer will eat that but my husband insists on trying.

So many creative juices are flowing through me, and I feel stifled. The knitting though shows me the progress is being made. The kids can't believe how big this wool bag is getting, which will be fulled (machine felted).

Oh, and I am doing my first postal letterbox ring. I should take the time to blog the photos but for now I'll share that I did create two handmade books with a new method learned from a book. I also designed and carved two original rubber stamps. I sent my book out with one stamp. So far two people's books and their stamp has arrived. When those come I take the stamp in theirs and stamp it into my second book that stays home with me. I take my stamp that stays here with me and put it in their book. I then send their stamp and book off to the next person in line. I wonder when the next book will arrive??

I am behind in doing one ATC swap for May. I have the idea for how to do it and I hope to do that soon. I need to make one ATC for a swap for June. I already have the idea for what to do for that. I just quit off of the swaps so when June is done I am finished.


Grace said...

Thanks, Christine! It's always nice hearing from you.
So far so good with the Elmer's glue, probably because the coat I put was so thin, but I also bought some spray paint topcoat just in case.
As for the collages, I've done a bunch more since my last entry, and yes I've been using Architectural Digest. It's fantastic! I'll do an update soon with all the fancy schmancy stuff I've finished.
I have a friend who works at EPL, and they basically pay him to rip up books all day! I'll definitely look into snagging some rejects.
As for the knitting, the weather got warm and I subsequently stopped altogether. I think I'll need a nice rainstorm (or better yet, a blizzard) to re-inspire me. I have, however, done some recycling. I got some really nice yarn from some unraveled Goodwill sweaters.
Expect updates fairly soon!

weebug said...

I totally hear you on the time limit thing. Lately I seem to fall asleep while my knitting time, which doesn't help much either!