Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Worked on Poppet ATCs

I squeezed in some time to make and finish five ATCs for a swap yesterday. The swap is one in which we have to use an image of our face (at least) on the ATC. The ATC is to contain some information about us, so we can see who the others are.

I decided to make mine with Claudine Hellmuth’s poppet style, which I had wanted to try (but not necessarily with my own face).

Yesterday I was able to work on these while my children played with their friend who was visiting. I did some constructing of collage and had to let the acrylic gel medium (adhesive) dry while we ate dinner.

I squeezed in another 20 minutes or so before bedtime. I noticed the parts which were fabric would need to dry overnight.

This morning I trimmed the edges of the ATCs. Five are finished. I think I should keep one of them, so I will have to make at least one more with my own head on it. (That means I have to go back to the photo archives to find another old photo. I am using photos which are in my ‘duplicate photo’ box, back from the ‘old days’ when we’d print off our photos and have two sets made.)

After these ATCs are scanned and ready for uploading, I will share them with you.

I will say this: the beginning part when I had to prep the watercolor painted backgrounds was slow going. I like to work on things and do them all at once. I don’t like waiting for the paint to dry. I chose to make all of these with the same general background and the same clothing on my poppet. In the end the construction was like an assembly line which went fast and really was so much easier than making a brand new design for each ATC.

This is the book that I own which I used for directions on how to make poppets. It is called "Collage Discovery Workshop: Beyond the Unexpected" by Claudine Hellmuth.

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Nikki in Niagara said...

Can't wait to see your atc's. I'm reading Claudine Hellmuth's books now, too.

ChristineMM said...

I was having problems with Photoshop which I use to turn the digital photo into a decent upload-able format.

I fixed Photoshop. Phew.

I have the photos ready to upload.

Just tried to do it and Blogger is having some kind of problem.

I plan to try again tomorrow. I will post the Poppet (tm) ATCs on this blog entry and I will do a new blog entry with them just so they pop up as the most recent blog entry.

Hang in there!

Glad you are interested in them.