Friday, February 01, 2008

Thank You For Your Amazon Purchases

Thank you for making your Amazon purchases through my blog. I don’t know who you are but I appreciate it!

(By clicking through the Amazon links here on my blog and making your purchases I make a small commission on each sale. Once you click through you can buy anything you want from Amazon, I don't have to have a special link to it here on my blog. I am told what was purchased but not who purchased it so your sale is confidential.)

I just received the payment and after chipping in a few bucks I was able to use my Amazon gift certificate payment to buy myself these three books. I really felt that I needed some reading material for my own self that was about creativity. There is one book about writing poetry, one about making art with mixed-media and the last is about making books from scratch (making an actual book not writing the words).


Susan Silver Dill said...

How do you put those amazon links on your blog?

ChristineMM said...

Hi Silverdill,
Here is a link to a past blog post of mine on my other blog that answers the question. It is the Amazon Associates program. You can join it if you want. It is very easy to manage and is not time consuming at all.

ChristineMM said...

If you go to Amazon's home page then look in the left sidebar down a bit, look for Amazon Associates, click it and read about the program. It will tell you all you need to know!
